Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Even the candle is placed in the darkness to make a difference....

As a light worker you are very much like a candle. A candle is best put to use when placed in darkness, not so it can become the darkness but so it can cast a light that will help others escape the darkness they were never meant to become part of. This is a hard mission and at times the illusion of loneliness can almost be blinding, much like darkness.

Stop letting the darkness define you and instead allow your ability to shine bright in even the greatest darkness to be your definition, as it was meant to be. You are a bright light in a world full of souls that ache to shine the same but the fear and doubt within them keeps them silenced, still, and unable to take that first crucial step towards admitting their own worth, purpose, and power in the place they stand. Be the light that helps them find the courage to shine bright too.

When we stop focusing on the darkness in a way that leaves us feeling deflated we can instead focus on the difference our light makes within that darkness and find ourselves lifted higher than ever before.

Now with that said,  there are certain things that we as light workers can do to help shield, lift, and even stay focused in a healthy way.

* Each morning visualize yourself surrounded by a golden bubble of love and light. (Throughout the day if you feel your shield becoming weak simply stop and do the visualization exercise again. As often as needed)

*  I always Recommend carrying a quartz crystal with you as they are absolutely awesome for all things including absorbing the "funky" energy you encounter throughout your day.

*Cleansing while bathing/ showering: Visualize all the bad energy coming to the surface of your skin before you step into the tub. When the water begins to run across your body see the bad energy being washed away. Fresh and new energy allows you to feel lighter, happier, and more equipped to face your day or simply to enjoy a good nights sleep.

*Meditate daily!! I cannot stress the importance of meditation enough. Meditation is our "plug in", our place to recharge, refocus, and remember what we stand for and how we are meant to stand.

*Journal daily: Each day take the time to write down at least 8 things you are thankful for to ensure those blessings keep growing and then write 5 things that could have gone differently and how you can be a positive difference the next time to encounter a similar situation to ensure the positive changes in your future that you deserve.

*Music: Pay attention to what you are listening to. Is it positive, uplifting, and encouraging words in the song or are they words of anger, discouragement, and doubt? This makes a huge difference in how you feel, act, and even see yourself and your day. Listen to music that lifts your spirits and makes you happy especially when you are feeling down.

*Connect with other light workers in person and/ or online to help you find greater peace in who you are and even the challenges you face along the way. (FYI: Those challenges are teachers that are meant to help you awaken further.)

*Positive Affirmations daily can literally change you. (Ex: I am perfectly imperfect and that is pretty great!) Have fun with it.

Remember: You are loved, valued, and so important on this mission! You are not alone, there are light workers just like all over the world waking up and realizing it is okay to be different and that their difference is part of what makes their light and love so special, just like you.

  Please feel free to comment with more ways to stay focused, grounded, and shielded as a light worker:

Love and Light- Grace